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SHOWMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/17/2021 Classes: 235. 235 PtHA Color YA 8/U LLS All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C244. 244 PtHA Color AM W/T 19+ WSH All Types HorseJExtended walk serpentine as shownExtWalkWalk to judgeWalkTurn 90° 90°Back approximately one horse lengthBackExtended walk to exitExtWalk1. Extended walk serpentine as shown2. Walk to judge3. Turn 90° 4. Set up5. Inspection6. Back approximately one horse length7. Extended walk to exit
WESTERN RIDING Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/18/2021 Classes: 309. 309 NSBA/PtHA Color OP WR All Types HorseStartFinishWalk, transition to jog, jog over logW/J/LogTransition to the lope, on the left leadLLFirst crossing changeCross1Second crossing changeCross2Third crossing changeCross3Circle & first line changeLine1Second line changeLine2Third line changeLine3Fourth line change & circleLine4Lope over logL/LogLope, stop & backS&B1. Walk, transition to jog, jog over log2. Transition to the lope, on the left lead3. First crossing change4. Second crossing change5. Third crossing change6. Circle & first line change7. Second line change8. Third line change9. Fourth line change & circle10. Lope over log11. Lope, stop & back
SHOWMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/17/2021 Classes: 245. 245 PtHA Color YA W/T 10/U WSH All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CJTrotTrotWalk to judge as shownWalkTurn 90° 90°Back approximately one horse lengthBackTrot to exitTrot1. Trot2. Walk to judge as shown3. Turn 90° 4. Set up5. Inspection6. Back approximately one horse length7. Trot to exit
SHOWMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/17/2021 Classes: 240. 240 PtHA Color AM 40+ WSH All Types Horse243. 243 PtHA Color YA 13/U WSH All Types Horse246. 246 PtHA Color AM 19+ WSH All Types Horse247. 247 PtHA Color YA 18/U WSH All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CJTrot serpentine as shownTrotWalk to judgeWalkTurn 90° 90°Back approximately one horse lengthBackTrot to exitTrot1. Trot serpentine as shown2. Walk to judge3. Turn 90° 4. Set up5. Inspection6. Back approximately one horse length7. Trot to exit
SHOWMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/17/2021 Classes: 236. 236 PtHA Solid AM 19+ WSH All Types Horse237. 237 PtHA Solid YA 18/U WSH All Types Horse238. 238 PtHA Color AM 19+ WSH All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/B239. 239 PtHA Color YA 18/U WSH All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/B241. 241 PtHA Color AM Junior WSH All Types Horse242. 242 PtHA Color YA 14-18 WSH All Types HorseJTrot serpentine and continue as shownTrotStop and perform a 450° turn450°Walk line and squae corner rightWalkSqExtended trotExtTrotStop and back L shapeBackLTrot arc and stop with hip at judgeTrotArcExtended trot awayExtTrot1. Trot serpentine and continue as shown2. Stop and perform a 450° turn3. Walk line and squae corner right4. Extended trot5. Stop and back L shape6. Trot arc and stop with hip at judge7. Set up8. Inspection9. Extended trot away
HORSEMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/18/2021 Classes: 338. 338 PtHA Color YA 18/U BEW All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C344. 344 PtHA Color YA 13/U SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C347. 347 PtHA Color AM 19+ SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C348. 348 PtHA Color YA 18/U SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CABJog to center of patternJogJog in a square as shownJogStop in center of pattern and perform a right rollback180°RLope a right lead circle as shownRLAs you close circle, change leads (simple or flying)RL>LLLope towards B as shownLLBreak to the jog when 20 feet from B. Jog around BJogBreak to the walk and walk one horse lengthWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Jog to center of pattern2. Jog in a square as shown3. Stop in center of pattern and perform a right rollback4. Lope a right lead circle as shown5. As you close circle, change leads (simple or flying)6. Lope towards B as shown7. Break to the jog when 20 feet from B. Jog around B8. Break to the walk and walk one horse length9. Stop and back approximately one horse length10. Exit at a walk or jogFollow the instructions of your ring steward
EQUITATION Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/16/2021 Classes: 169. 169 PtHA Color YA 13/U EEQ All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C172. 172 PtHA Color AM 19+ EEQ All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C173. 173 PtHA Color YA 18/U EEQ All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CABStart at A, trotTrotCanter right leadRLChange leadsRL>LLCanter left leadLLStop, execute 1/2 turn on forehand right180° back one horse lengthbackSitting trotSitTrotWalk to exitWalk1. Start at A, trot2. Canter right lead3. Change leads4. Canter left lead5. Stop, execute 1/2 turn on forehand right back one horse length6. Sitting trot7. Walk to exit
SHOWMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/16/2021 Classes: 128. 128 PtHA Solid AM 19+ ESH All Types Horse129. 129 PtHA Solid YA 18/U ESH All Types Horse130. 130 PtHA Color AM 19+ ESH All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/B131. 131 PtHA Color YA 18/U ESH All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/B132. 132 PtHA Color AM 40+ ESH All Types Horse133. 133 PtHA Color AM Junior ESH All Types Horse134. 134 PtHA Color YA 14-18 ESH All Types Horse135. 135 PtHA Color YA 13/U ESH All Types HorseJABWalk from A to BWalkJog a circle around B and continue to the judge and stopTrotPerform a 360° turn360°When dismissed, turn 90°90°Back two horse lengthsBack2 and walk to the railWalk1. Walk from A to B2. Jog a circle around B and continue to the judge and stop3. Perform a 360° turn4. Set up for inspection5. When dismissed, turn 90°6. Back two horse lengths and walk to the rail
REINSMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/18/2021 Classes: 305. 305 PtHA Color AM 19+ REQ All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/B306. 306 PtHA Color YA 18/U REQ All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/BABSlow trot to center of patternSTrotContinue in a square as shownSTrotStop in center of pattern and perform a right 180° turn180°RWorking trot circle as shownWTrotStrong trot towards B as shownStTrotSlow trot when 20 feet from B. Continue around BSTrotBreak to the walk and walk one horse lengthWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Slow trot to center of pattern2. Continue in a square as shown3. Stop in center of pattern and perform a right 180° turn4. Working trot circle as shown5. Strong trot towards B as shown6. Slow trot when 20 feet from B. Continue around B7. Break to the walk and walk one horse length8. Stop and back approximately one horse length9. Exit at a walk or slow trotFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/18/2021 Classes: 339. 339 PtHA Solid AM 19+ SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C340. 340 PtHA Solid YA 18/U SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C341. 341 PtHA Color AM 40+ SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C342. 342 PtHA Color AM Junior SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C343. 343 PtHA Color YA 14-18 SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CABLope left lead to center of patternLLBreak to a jog in a square as shownJogStop in center of pattern and perform a right rollback180°RLope a right lead circle as shownRLAs you close circle, change leads (simple or flying)RL>LLLope towards B as shownLLBreak to the jog when 20 feet from B. Jog around BJogBreak to the walk and walk one horse lengthWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Lope left lead to center of pattern2. Break to a jog in a square as shown3. Stop in center of pattern and perform a right rollback4. Lope a right lead circle as shown5. As you close circle, change leads (simple or flying)6. Lope towards B as shown7. Break to the jog when 20 feet from B. Jog around B8. Break to the walk and walk one horse length9. Stop and back approximately one horse length10. Exit at a walk or jogFollow the instructions of your ring steward
OBSTACLE DRIVING Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/17/2021 Classes: 212. 212 PtHA Color OP OBD Mini Mini A/B213. 213 PtHA Color OP OBD All Types Pony A/B/C214. 214 PtHA Color AM 19+ OBD All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/B215. 215 PtHA Color YA 18/U OBD All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/BWalk over simulated waterWalkWalk through UWalkSlow trot through straight and narrow, either wheelSTrotWorking trot through deviation serpentineWTrotStrong trotSTrotSlow trot half circle serpentineSTrotBreak to walk, walk into chuteWalkBack one horse lengthBack and walk to exitWalkBe ready at start cone1. Walk over simulated water2. Walk through U3. Slow trot through straight and narrow, either wheel4. Working trot through deviation serpentine5. Strong trot6. Slow trot half circle serpentine7. Break to walk, walk into chute8. Back one horse length and walk to exit
TRAIL Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/17/2021 Classes: 204. 204 NSBA/PtHA Color OP TH HN/ST Horse205. 205 PtHA Color OP TH PL/SD Horse206. 206 PtHA Color OP TH All Types Pony A/B/C207. 207 NSBA/PtHA Solid OP TH All Types Horse208. 208 NSBA/PtHA Color AM 19+ TH All Types Horse209. 209 NSBA/PtHA Color YA 18/U TH All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CTrot polesTrotRight lead over poles around cone andRL change leadsRL>LLLeft lead over polesLLTrot serpentineTrotWalk over poles to backWalkBack through conesBackWalk to and over bridgeWalk1. Right hand push gate2. Trot poles3. Right lead over poles around cone and change leads4. Left lead over poles5. Trot serpentine6. Walk over poles to back7. Back through cones8. Walk to and over bridge
WESTERN RIDING Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/18/2021 Classes: 310. 310 NSBA/PtHA Color AM 19+ WR All Types Horse311. 311 NSBA/PtHA Color YA 18/U WR All Types HorseStartFinishWalk, transition to jog, jog over logW/J/LogTransition to the lope, lope around endLopeFirst line changeLine1Second line changeLine2Third line changeLine3Fourth line changeLine4First crossing changeCross1Second crossing changeCross2Third crossing changeCross3Lope over logL/LogLope, stop & backS&B1. Walk, transition to jog, jog over log2. Transition to the lope, lope around end3. First line change4. Second line change5. Third line change6. Fourth line change7. First crossing change8. Second crossing change9. Third crossing change10. Lope over log11. Lope, stop & back
EQUITATION Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/16/2021 Classes: 170. 170 PtHA Color AM W/T 19+ EEQ All Types Horse171. 171 PtHA Color YA W/T 10/U EEQ All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CATrot right diagonalRDWalk 10 steps Walk10Trot on the left diagonal to the cornerLDChange diagonals and trot to next cornerLD-RDAt corner, perform a sitting trot halfway to ASitTrotStop when halfway to A and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Trot right diagonal2. Walk 10 steps 3. Trot on the left diagonal to the corner4. Change diagonals and trot to next corner5. At corner, perform a sitting trot halfway to A6. Stop when halfway to A and back approximately one horse length
HORSEMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/18/2021 Classes: 345. 345 PtHA Color AM W/T 19+ SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CABJog to center of patternJogJog in a square as shownJogStop in center of pattern and perform a right rollback180°RExtended jog as shownExtJogBreak to the jog when 20 feet from B. Jog around BJogBreak to the walk and walk one horse lengthWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Jog to center of pattern2. Jog in a square as shown3. Stop in center of pattern and perform a right rollback4. Extended jog as shown5. Break to the jog when 20 feet from B. Jog around B6. Break to the walk and walk one horse length7. Stop and back approximately one horse length8. Exit at a walk or jogFollow the instructions of your ring steward
TRAIL Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/17/2021 Classes: 200. 200 PtHA Color OP TIH Mini Mini A/B201. 201 PtHA Color OP TIH All Types Pony A/B/C202. 202 PtHA Color AM 19+ TIH All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/B203. 203 PtHA Color YA 18/U TIH All Types Pony A/B/CMini A/B210. 210 PtHA Color AM W/T 19+ TH All Types Horse211. 211 PtHA Color YA W/T 10/U TH All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CTrot polesTrotBack through conesBackTrot serpentineTrotWalk over polesWalkWalk to and over bridgeWalk1. Right hand push gate2. Trot poles3. Back through cones4. Trot serpentine5. Walk over poles6. Walk to and over bridge
HORSEMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/18/2021 Classes: 346. 346 PtHA Color YA W/T 10/U SSE All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CABJog to center of patternJogStop in center of pattern and perform a right rollback180°RExtended jog as shownExtJogBreak to the jog when 20 feet from B. Jog around BJogBreak to the walk and walk one horse lengthWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Jog to center of pattern2. Stop in center of pattern and perform a right rollback3. Extended jog as shown4. Break to the jog when 20 feet from B. Jog around B5. Break to the walk and walk one horse length6. Stop and back approximately one horse length7. Exit at a walk or jogFollow the instructions of your ring steward
SHOWMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/16/2021 Classes: 136. 136 PtHA Color AM W/T 19+ ESH All Types HorseJABWalk from A to BWalkExtended walk a circle around B, continue to the judge, and ExtWalkWhen dismissed, turn 90°90°Back two horse lengthsBack2 and walk to the railWalk1. Walk from A to B2. Extended walk a circle around B, continue to the judge, and Set up forinspection3. When dismissed, turn 90°4. Back two horse lengths and walk to the rail
EQUITATION Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/16/2021 Classes: 164. 164 PtHA Solid AM 19+ EEQ All Types Horse165. 165 PtHA Solid YA 18/U EEQ All Types Horse/Pony A/B/C166. 166 PtHA Color AM 40+ EEQ All Types Horse167. 167 PtHA Color AM Junior EEQ All Types Horse168. 168 PtHA Color YA 14-18 EEQ All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CABegin walkingWalkCanter circle to left on left lead. LLClose circle and break to trotRDPosting trot on right diagonal across the arenaRDHalfway across transition to sitting trotSit TrotBreak to a walk and walk around the cornerWalkPerform a canter on right lead around two corners and continue down the center of the arenaRLStop halfway down arena and Stopturn 360° to right on hindquarters360°RPosting trot on the left diagonalLDStop and back S & BBe ready at A1. Begin walking2. Canter circle to left on left lead. Close circle and break to trot3. Posting trot on right diagonal across the arena4. Halfway across transition to sitting trot5. Break to a walk and walk around the corner6. Perform a canter on right lead around two corners and continue down the centerof the arena7. Stop halfway down arena and turn 360° to right on hindquarters8. Posting trot on the left diagonal9. Stop and back
SHOWMANSHIP Show: July Sensational Summer Show Date: 7/16/2021 Classes: 137. 137 PtHA Color YA W/T 10/U ESH All Types Horse/Pony A/B/CJABWalk from A to BWalkJog a circle around B and continue to the judge and stopTrotWhen dismissed, turn 90°90°Back two horse lengthsBack2 and walk to the railWalk1. Walk from A to B2. Jog a circle around B and continue to the judge and stop3. Set up for inspection4. When dismissed, turn 90°5. Back two horse lengths and walk to the rail