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HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 154. Op 13/U Bareback Western Horsemanship155. Op Intermediate Bareback Western Horsemanship156. Op 18/O Bareback Western HorsemanshipAJog,Jog extended jogEJStop, backS&BTurn 180°180°WalkWalkLope right leadRLJogJogLope left leadLLWalk at XWalkBe ready at start cone1. Jog, extended jog2. Stop, back3. Turn 180°4. Walk5. Lope right lead6. Jog7. Lope left lead8. Walk at X
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 64. Pony Hunt Seat Equitation65. Op 13/U Hunt Seat EquitationABCSitting trot A to BSitTrotAt B posting trot circle to the right on correct diagonalLDAt B canter on the left lead to CLLAt C stop and back 1 horse lengthS&B1. Sitting trot A to B2. At B posting trot circle to the right on correct diagonal3. At B canter on the left lead to C4. At C stop and back 1 horse length
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 14. W/T Sr. ShowmanshipJABBack four stepsBackTurn 180°180°Walk to BWalkAt B, trot around B and to the judge,TrotWhen dismissed, perform a 90° turn90° and trot straight away from the judgeTrot1. Back four steps2. Turn 180°3. Walk to B4. At B, trot around B and to the judge, set up for inspection5. When dismissed, perform a 90° turn and trot straight away from the judge
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 109. Op Intermediate Showmanship110. Op Senior Showmanship111. Op Senior+ Showmanship112. Op Senior++ ShowmanshipJATrot 1/3 of line andTrot build to an extended trot to the judgeExtTrotStop and perform a 3/4 turn270°WalkWalk then trot in a tight half circle and in a straight line across your original lineTrotStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BTrot in a half circle to judgeTrotWhen dismissed, perform a 180°180° and walk awayWalkBe ready at A1. Trot 1/3 of line and build to an extended trot to the judge2. Stop and perform a 3/4 turn3. Walk then trot in a tight half circle and in a straight line across youroriginal line4. Stop and back approximately one horse length5. Trot in a half circle to judge6. Stop and set up7. Inspection8. When dismissed, perform a 180° and walk away
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 21. W/T Sr. English EquitationABCSitting trot A to BSitTrotSitting trot circle to the rightSitTrotPosting trot circle to the leftRDAt B extend the trot to CExtTrotStop at C and back 4 stepsS&BPerform a 90° turn to the right90°R1. Sitting trot A to B2. Sitting trot circle to the right3. Posting trot circle to the left4. At B extend the trot to C5. Stop at C and back 4 steps6. Perform a 90° turn to the right
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 93. Op Junior Western Horsemanship94. Op Intermediate Western Horsemanship95. Op Senior Western Horsemanship96. Op Senior+ Western Horsemanship97. Op Senior++ Western HorsemanshipABJog halfway to BJogExtend the jog to and around BExtJogLope on the left lead diagonally back to ALLWalk around AWalkLope on the right lead halfway to BRLStop and back approximately two horse lengthsS&BPerform a 1 1/4 turn to the left450°LWalk straight awayWalkBe ready at A1. Jog halfway to B2. Extend the jog to and around B3. Lope on the left lead diagonally back to A4. Walk around A5. Lope on the right lead halfway to B6. Stop and back approximately two horse lengths7. Perform a 1 1/4 turn to the left8. Walk straight awayFollow the instructions of your ring steward
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 122. Op 13/U Hunt Seat EquitationABWalk two horse lengths from AWalkTrot on the right diagonal until even with BRDChange diagonals and trot a half circleLDCanter on the right lead until even with ARLPerform a simple lead changeRL>LLCanter a half circle and halfway to BLLSitting trot to BSitTrotStop when even with B and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Walk two horse lengths from A2. Trot on the right diagonal until even with B3. Change diagonals and trot a half circle4. Canter on the right lead until even with A5. Perform a simple lead change6. Canter a half circle and halfway to B7. Sitting trot to B8. Stop when even with B and back approximately one horse lengthFollow the instructions of your ring steward
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 11. Tiny Tot Showmanship JWalk to judgeWalkTurn 180°180°Trot back through lineupTrot1. Walk to judge2. Stop, set up for inspection3. Turn 180°4. Trot back through lineup
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 66. Op Intermediate Hunt Seat Equitation67. Op Senior Hunt Seat Equitation68. Op Senior+ Hunt Seat Equitation69. Op Senior++ Hunt Seat EquitationABCSitting trot A to BSitTrotAt B posting trot on the left diagonal in a half circleLDCanter on the right lead back to BRLChange leads at BRL>LL and canter on the left lead in a half circleLLPosting trot on the right diagonal back to BRDSitting trot to CSitTrotStop at C and back approximately one horse lengthS&B1. Sitting trot A to B2. At B posting trot on the left diagonal in a half circle3. Canter on the right lead back to B4. Change leads at B and canter on the left lead in a half circle5. Posting trot on the right diagonal back to B6. Sitting trot to C7. Stop at C and back approximately one horse length
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 12. Pony Showmanship 56'JABCTrot from A to CTrotStop at CStopBack to BBackPerform a 270° turn270°Walk ot the judgeWalk1. Trot from A to C2. Stop at C3. Back to B4. Perform a 270° turn5. Walk ot the judge and set up for inspectionWhen dismissed walk to line-up
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 88. W/T Jr. Western Horsemanship89. W/T Sr. Western HorsemanshipABCWalk from A 1/2 way to BWalk Jog the rest of the way to BTrotJog a circle to the rightTrotExtend the jog from B to CExt JogStop at C and back one horse lengthS & BBe ready at A1. Walk from A 1/2 way to B2. Jog the rest of the way to B3. Jog a circle to the right4. Extend the jog from B to C5. Stop at C and back one horse lengthRetire to the rail or line up at a jog
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 123. Op Intermediate Hunt Seat Equitation124. Op Senior Hunt Seat Equitation125. Op Senior+ Hunt Seat Equitation126. Op Senior++ Hunt Seat EquitationACanter on the right leadRLWalk five stridesWalkPosting trot on right diagonal around the cornerRDCanter on left lead across the arenaLLStop and execute a 1 3/8 hindquarter turn to the right495°Sitting trot around square corner and down center of arenaSit TrotStopStopPosting trot on left diagonalLDStop even with the cone and backS & BBe ready at the cone1. Canter on the right lead2. Walk five strides3. Posting trot on right diagonal around the corner4. Canter on left lead across the arena5. Stop and execute a 1 3/8 hindquarter turn to the right6. Sitting trot around square corner and down center of arena7. Stop8. Posting trot on left diagonal9. Stop even with the cone and back
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 43. Op Intermediate Showmanship44. Op Senior Showmanship45. Op Senior+ ShowmanshipJABTrot from A to B and trot a square corner toward judgeTrotTrot halfway to judge as shownTrotWalk halfway to judgeWalkWhen dismissed, back an 'L' as shownBackPerform a 270° turn270° and exit at a walkWalkBe ready at A1. Trot from A to B and trot a square corner toward judge2. Trot halfway to judge as shown3. Walk halfway to judge and set up for inspection4. When dismissed, back an 'L' as shown5. Perform a 270° turn and exit at a walk
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 91. Pony Western Horsemanship92. Op PeeWee Western HorsemanshipABJog to BJogAt B perform a 90° turn to the right90°Lope a circle to B on the left leadLLJog to AEJStop at AStop1. Jog to B2. At B perform a 90° turn to the right3. Lope a circle to B on the left lead4. Jog to A5. Stop at A
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 24. W/T Jr. Western HorsemanshipABWalk A to BWalkAt B perform a 90° turn to the right90°Jog a circle around B90Stop at B and back 4 stepsS&B1. Walk A to B2. At B perform a 90° turn to the right3. Jog a circle around B4. Stop at B and back 4 steps
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 40. Pony Showmanship 56'42. Op Junior Showmanship46. Op Senior++ Showmanship47. W/T Jr. Showmanship48. W/T Sr. ShowmanshipJABWalk to BWalkTrot around B and to judgeTrotWhen dismissed, back one horse lengthBackTurn 270° and270° walk straight offWalkBe ready at A1. Walk to B2. Trot around B and to judge3. Stop and set up for inspection4. When dismissed, back one horse length5. Turn 270° and walk straight off
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 144. Op Junior Western Horsemanship145. Op Intermediate Western Horsemanship146. Op Senior Western Horsemanship147. Op Senior+ Western Horsemanship148. Op Senior++ Western HorsemanshipAJogJogLope left lead, square cornerLLChange leadschangeLope right lead small circleRLExtended lope larger circleEL continue to halthalt270° right 270°Walk,Walk extended walk,ExtWalk haltHaltBack one horse lengthBackBe ready at cone1. Jog2. Lope left lead, square corner3. Change leads4. Lope right lead small circle5. Extended lope larger circle continue to halt6. 270° right 7. Walk, extended walk, halt8. Back one horse lengthExit at a walk
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 27. Pony Western HorsemanshipABWalk to AWalkJog to BJogTurn 180° right180°Lope on the left lead back aorund to BJogJog from B to AJogStop at A and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Walk to A2. Jog to B3. Turn 180° right4. Lope on the left lead back aorund to B5. Jog from B to A6. Stop at A and back approximately one horse lengthFollow the instructions of your ring steward
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 19. Pony Hunt Seat EquitationABCSitting trot A to BSitTrotAt B posting trot circle to the rightLDAt B posting trot circle to the leftRDAt B canter on the left lead to CLLAt C stop and back 4 stepsS&B1. Sitting trot A to B2. At B posting trot circle to the right3. At B posting trot circle to the left4. At B canter on the left lead to C5. At C stop and back 4 steps
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 20. W/T Jr. English EquitationABWalk to AWalkSitting trot toward BSitPosting trot circle rightLDPosting trot circle leftRDContinue posting trot to BRDStop and back 1 horse lengthS&B1. Walk to A2. Sitting trot toward B3. Posting trot circle right4. Posting trot circle left5. Continue posting trot to B6. Stop and back 1 horse length
RANCH RIDING Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 26. W/T Ranch Horse RidingWalkWalkJogJogWalkWalkJogJogStopStop360° spin either direction360°WalkWalkWalk over poleWalkLogStopStopBack 4 stepsBack41. Walk2. Jog3. Walk4. Jog5. Stop6. 360° spin either direction7. Walk8. Walk over pole9. Stop10. Back 4 steps11. Natural ranch horse appearance
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 62. W/T Jr. English Equitation63. W/T Sr. English EquitationABCWalk from A to BWalkSitting trot circle rightSitPosting trot circle leftRDExtend the trot to CETrotStop at C and back four stepsS&BPerform a 90° turn to the right90°1. Walk from A to B2. Sitting trot circle right3. Posting trot circle left4. Extend the trot to C5. Stop at C and back four steps6. Perform a 90° turn to the right
RANCH RIDING Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 98. Ranch Horse Western RidingWalkWalkExtended trotExtTrotWalkWalkTrotTrotLope right leadRLExtended lope (right lead)ExtRLCollect lope and change leads (simple or flying)RL>LLLope left leadLLStop and backS&B180° turn to right180°TrotTrot1. Walk2. Extended trot3. Walk4. Stop, side pass log left5. Trot6. Lope right lead7. Extended lope (right lead)8. Collect lope and change leads (simple or flying)9. Lope left lead10. Stop and back11. 180° turn to right12. Trot13. Natural ranch horse appearance
RANCH RIDING Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 90. W/T Ranch Horse RidingWalkWalkTrotTrotExtended trot, stopExtTrot360° each way, either way first360°RLExtended walkExtWalkWalkWalkTrotTrotWalkWalkWalk polesWalkLogsSidepass leftSPLBackBack1. Walk2. Trot3. Extended trot, stop4. 360° each way, either way first5. Extended walk6. Walk7. Trot8. Walk9. Walk poles10. Sidepass left11. Back12. Natural ranch horse appearance
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 13. W/T Jr. ShowmanshipJABBack 4 steps at ABackPerform a 180° turn180°Walk to the judgeWalkWhen dismissed perform a 90° turn90° and trot to BTrotStop at BStopBe ready at A1. Back 4 steps at A2. Perform a 180° turn3. Walk to the judge and set up for inspection4. When dismissed perform a 90° turn and trot to B5. Stop at BFollow the instructions of your ring steward
RANCH RIDING Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 28. Ranch Horse Western RidingWalk to the left around corner of arena; TrotW/TExtend alongside of the arena and around the corner to centerETrotStop, sidepass rightSP360° turn (either direction first)360° each direction360°Walk; TrotW/TLope left leadLLExtend the lopeELLChange leads (simple or flying)LL→RLCollect to the lopeRLExtended trotETStop and backS&B1. Walk to the left around corner of arena; Trot2. Extend alongside of the arena and around the corner to center3. Stop, sidepass right4. 360° turn (either direction first)5. each direction6. Walk; Trot7. Lope left lead8. Extend the lope9. Change leads (simple or flying)10. Collect to the lope11. Extended trot12. Stop and back13. Natural ranch horse appearance
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 50. Op All Age Saddle Seat EquitationATrot, LDcircle rightCircRCanter, LLcircle leftCircLOne completion of circle, stop, backS&BBe ready at A1. Trot, circle right2. Canter, circle left3. One completion of circle, stop, backWalk to the far rail and await railwork
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 104. Op 13/U Bareback Western Horsemanship105. Op Intermediate Bareback Western Horsemanship106. Op 18/O Bareback Western HorsemanshipABWalk to AWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BExecute a 90° turn to the left and90° jog a half circle JogLope on the left lead to BLLStop at B andStop execute a 180° turn to the right180°Extended jog to exitEJogBe ready before marker A1. Walk to A2. Stop and back approximately one horse length3. Execute a 90° turn to the left and jog a half circle 4. Lope on the left lead to B5. Stop at B and execute a 180° turn to the right6. Extended jog to exitFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/20/2022 Classes: 25. W/T Sr. Western HorsemanshipABWalk to AWalkJog A to BJogAt B stop and backS&BJog 3/4 circle to the rightJogStop and perform a 180° turn to the right on the hindquarterJogJog a circle back to BJogStop at BStop1. Walk to A2. Jog A to B3. At B stop and back4. Jog 3/4 circle to the right5. Stop and perform a 180° turn to the right on the hindquarter6. Jog a circle back to B7. Stop at B
EQUITATION Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 114. Op All Age Saddle Seat EquitationABTrot down the center line to the center point of the arena (A); Stop brieflyTrotCanter a figure eight -- the first circle clockwise and LLthe second circle counter clockwise; Stop brieflyRLTrot down the center line to the midpoint of the far end of the arena (B)TrotMake a right turn and proceed around the curve, down the straightaway, around the next curve and exitTrotEnter the arena at the trot1. Trot down the center line to the center point of the arena (A); Stop briefly2. Canter a figure eight -- the first circle clockwise and the second circlecounter clockwise; Stop briefly3. Trot down the center line to the midpoint of the far end of the arena (B)4. Make a right turn and proceed around the curve, down the straightaway, aroundthe next curve and exitThe workout is complete
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 103. W/T Bareback HorsemanshipABWalk to AWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BExecute a 90° turn to the left and90° jog a half circle JogExtend the jog to BEJogStop at B andStop execute a 180° turn to the right180°Walk to exitWalkBe ready before marker A1. Walk to A2. Stop and back approximately one horse length3. Execute a 90° turn to the left and jog a half circle 4. Extend the jog to B5. Stop at B and execute a 180° turn to the right6. Walk to exitFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 153. W/T Bareback HorsemanshipExecute 1 turn left on the haunches360°JogJogExtended jogExtJogJogJogWalkWalkJogJogStop, backBackWalk to exitWalk1. Execute 1 turn left on the haunches2. Jog3. Extended jog4. Jog5. Walk6. Jog7. Stop, back8. Walk to exit
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 108. Op Junior ShowmanshipJATrot 1/3 of line andTrot build to an extended trot to the judgeExtTrotStop and perform a 3/4 turn270°WalkWalk then trot in a tight half circle and in a straight line across your original lineTrotStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BTrot in a half circle to judgeTrotWhen dismissed, perform a 180° turn180° and walk awayWalkBe ready at A1. Trot 1/3 of line and build to an extended trot to the judge2. Stop and perform a 3/4 turn3. Walk then trot in a tight half circle and in a straight line across youroriginal line4. Stop and back approximately one horse lengthTrot in a half circle to judge5. Stop and set up6. Inspection7. When dismissed, perform a 180° turn and walk away
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 107. Op PeeWee ShowmanshipAJWalkWalk.Trot circle right, Circlecontinue to judge.TrotWhen dismissed, back, Backexit at walkWalkBe ready at A.1. Walk2. Trot circle right, 3. continue to judge.4. Stop, set up for inspection5. When dismissed, back, exit at walk
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 39. Tiny Tot Showmanship JAWalk from A to JudgeWalkWhen dismissed, perform a 90° turn90°Trot away from JudgeTrotBe ready at A1. Walk from A to Judge2. Stop and set up for inspection3. When dismissed, perform a 90° turn4. Trot away from JudgeFollow the instructions of your ring steward
SHOWMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/21/2022 Classes: 41. Op PeeWee ShowmanshipJABTrot from A to and around BTrotWalk to judge, WalkWhen dismissed, perform a 90° turn90°Exit at a walkWalkBe ready at A1. Trot from A to and around B2. Walk to judge, stop and set up for inspection3. When dismissed, perform a 90° turn4. Exit at a walkFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIP Show: May 20-22 Pleasure Series Show #1 Date: 5/22/2022 Classes: 143. Op PeeWee Western HorsemanshipALope right lead.RLJog half circle right.JogStop, turn 90° right.90°Lope left lead.LLStop, back.S&BBe ready at A.1. Lope right lead.2. Jog half circle right.3. Stop, turn 90° right.4. Lope left lead.5. Stop, back.Walk to the far rail and await railwork.