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RANCH RIDINGShow: WCRH San Diego Buckle Series #4 Date: 10/30/2022Classes: 6.1. Green Horse (W/T) Ranch Riding7.1. Green Rider (W/T) Ranch Riding8.1. Short Stirrup (12&U,W/T) Ranch RidingBack one horse lengthBackTrotTrotStop, rollback 180° to the right180°RTrot as shownTrotExtended trot after cornerExtTrotTrot before cornerTrotStop, 360° left360°LWalk, walk over polesWalk1. Back one horse length2. Trot3. Stop, rollback 180° to the right4. Trot as shown5. Extended trot after corner6. Trot before corner7. Stop, 360° left8. Walk, walk over poles9. Natural ranch horse appearance
RANCH RIDINGShow: WCRH San Diego Buckle Series #4 Date: 10/30/2022Classes: 1.1. Open Ranch Riding2.1. Amateur Ranch Riding3.1. Amateur Select (50&O) Ranch Riding4.1. Youth (18&U) Ranch Riding5.1. Green Horse (W/T/L) Ranch RidingExtended trotExt TrotStop, rollback right180°Lope right leadRLExtended lope (right lead)Ext RLTrotTrotWalkWalkWalk over logsLogsTrotTrotStop, 360° left360°Lope left leadLLStop and backS&B1. Extended trot2. Stop, rollback right3. Lope right lead4. Extended lope (right lead)5. Trot6. Walk7. Walk over logs8. Trot9. Stop, 360° left10. Lope left lead11. Stop and back12. Natural ranch horse appearance
RANCH TRAILShow: WCRH San Diego Buckle Series #4 Date: 10/30/2022Classes: 1.3. Open Ranch Trail2.3. Amateur Ranch Trail3.3. Amateur Select (50&O) Ranch Trail4.3. Youth (18&U) Ranch Trail5.3. Green Horse (W/T/L) Ranch TrailWalk over bridge and over logWalkWalk to log, sidepass log right half way,SPR step off log, stop at next log, sidepass log left all the way off logSPLWalk, walk to gate, work swinging gateGatePick up item, walk over logsWalkStop, spin 360° left,360°L walk to cattle chute, put item down in chute, walk into arenaWalkExtended trotExtTrotLope right lead and over logRLTrot as shown and over logsTrotExtended walk as shown unti even with log and bushExtWalkBack half circle around bushBack1. Walk over bridge and over log2. Walk to log, sidepass log right half way, step off log, stop at next log,sidepass log left all the way off log3. Walk, walk to gate, work swinging gate4. Pick up item, walk over logs5. Stop, spin 360° left, walk to cattle chute, put item down in chute, walk intoarena6. Extended trot7. Lope right lead and over log8. Trot as shown and over logs9. Extended walk as shown unti even with log and bush10. Back half circle around bushTrot to exit
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