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EQUITATIONShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/9/2022Classes: 180. All Breed W/T/C English Equitation181. APHA Novice Yth 18/U Hunt Seat Equitation183. APHA Novice AM Hunt Seat Equitation185. APHA Yth 13/U Hunt Seat Equitation186. APHA Yth 18/U Hunt Seat Equitation188. SPB Yth 18/U Hunt Seat Equitation189. Solid YA 18/U English Equitation All Types Horse190. APHA AM Hunt Seat Equitation192. SPB AM Hunt Seat Equitation193. Solid AM 19+ English Equitation All Types HorseABCDWalk two horse lengths from AWalkSitting trot to BSit TrotAt B, trot a circle to the right on the left diagonal LDContinue trot to CLDStop at C and perform a 90° turn on the hindquarters to the right90°RCanter on the right lead to and around DRLWhen even with B, begin a posting trot on the right diagonalRDStop when even with A and back approximately one horse lengthS & BBe ready at A1. Walk two horse lengths from A2. Sitting trot to B3. At B, trot a circle to the right on the left diagonal 4. Continue trot to C5. Stop at C and perform a 90° turn on the hindquarters to the right6. Canter on the right lead to and around D7. When even with B, begin a posting trot on the right diagonal8. Stop when even with A and back approximately one horse lengthWalk away from D and follow the instructions of your ring steward
SHOWMANSHIPShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/9/2022Classes: 104. APHA Yth W/T 5-10 Showmanship112. SPB AM Showmanship114. All Breed Showmanship116. Color Novice YA 18/U Western Showmanship All Types Horse117. APHA Novice AM Showmanship119. APHA Yth 13/U Showmanship121. Color YA 18/U Western Showmanship All Types Horse122. SPB Yth 18/U Showmanship123. Solid YA 18/U Western Showmanship All Types Horse125. Color AM 19+ Western Showmanship All Types Horse126. SPB AM Showmanship127. Solid AM 19+ Western Showmanship All Types HorseJABTrot from A to judgeTrotWhen dismissed trot to BTrotStop and back one horse lengthBackTurn 270° and walk270°Be ready at A1. Trot from A to judge2. Stop and set up for inspection3. When dismissed trot to B4. Stop and back one horse length5. Turn 270° and walkWalk and follow instructions of ring steward
EQUITATIONShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/9/2022Classes: 169. All Breed W/T Hunt Seat Equitation170. APHA Yth W/T 5-10 Hunt Seat Equitation171. Color YA W/T 10/U English Equitation All Types Horse172. Solid YA W/T 10/U English Equitation All Types Horse173. APHA Yth W/T 11-18 Hunt Seat Equitation174. Color YA W/T 11-18 English Equitation All Types Horse175. Solid YA W/T 11-18 English Equitation All Types Horse176. APHA AM W/T Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation178. SPB AM W/T Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation179. Solid AM W/T 19+ English Equitation All Types HorseABCDWalk two horse lengths from AWalkPosting trot on the right diagonal to CRDStop at C and perform a 90° turn on the hindquarters to the right90°RTrot on the left diagonal to and around DLDWhen even with B, begin to walkWalkStop when even with A and back approximately one horse lengthS & BBe ready at A1. Walk two horse lengths from A2. Posting trot on the right diagonal to C3. Stop at C and perform a 90° turn on the hindquarters to the right4. Trot on the left diagonal to and around D5. When even with B, begin to walk6. Stop when even with A and back approximately one horse lengthWalk away from D and follow the instructions of your ring steward
SHOWMANSHIPShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/9/2022Classes: 105. Color YA W/T 10/U Western Showmanship All Types Horse106. Solid YA W/T 10/U Western Showmanship All Types Horse107. APHA Yth W/T 11-18 Showmanship109. Solid YA W/T 11-18 Western Showmanship All Types HorseJABWalk from A to judgeWalkWhen dismissed trot to BTrotStop and back one horse lengthBackTurn 270° and walk270°Be ready at A1. Walk from A to judge2. Stop and set up for inspection3. When dismissed trot to B4. Stop and back one horse length5. Turn 270° and walkWalk and follow instructions of ring steward
TRAILShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/10/2022Classes: 300. All Breed W/T/C Trail301. APHA OP Trail303. APHA Novice Yth 18/U Trail304. Color Novice YA 18/U Trail All Types Horse305. APHA Novice AM Trail307. APHA OP Trail308. Color OP Trail All Types Horse309. SPB OP Trail310. Solid OP Trail All Types Horse311. APHA Yth 13/U Trail312. APHA Yth 18/U Trail313. Color YA 18/U Trail All Types Horse314. SPB Yth 18/U Trail315. Solid YA 18/U Trail All Types Horse316. APHA AM Trail317. Color AM 19+ Trail All Types Horse318. SPB AM Trail319. Solid AM 19+ Trail All Types Horse320. APHA Novice AM Ranch Trail321. APHA OP Ranch Trail322. APHA Yth 18/U Ranch Trail323. APHA AM Ranch TrailTrot over poles and into chutePolesBack LLTrot out of chute and through boxTrotLope right lead through box and over 2 polesPolesTrot over poles as shownPolesWalk to and into box, turn 360 right and walkout to gateBoxWork right hand gateGateWalk over poles and bridge to finishPoles/Br1. Trot over poles and into chute2. Back L3. Trot out of chute and through box4. Lope right lead through box and over 2 poles5. Trot over poles as shown6. Walk to and into box, turn 360 right and walkout to gate7. Work right hand gate8. Walk over poles and bridge to finish
WESTERN RIDINGShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/10/2022Classes: 325. APHA OP Western Riding327. APHA Yth 18/U Western Riding328. APHA AM Western RidingStartFinishWalk, transition to jog, jog over logW/J/LogTransition to the lope, on the left leadLLFirst crossing changeCross1Second crossing changeCross2Third crossing changeCross3Circle & first line changeLine1Second line changeLine2Third line changeLine3Fourth line change & circleLine4Lope over logL/LogLope, stop & backS&B1. Walk, transition to jog, jog over log2. Transition to the lope, on the left lead3. First crossing change4. Second crossing change5. Third crossing change6. Circle & first line change7. Second line change8. Third line change9. Fourth line change & circle10. Lope over log11. Lope, stop & back
HORSEMANSHIPShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/10/2022Classes: 369. All Breed W/T Horsemanship370. APHA Yth W/T 5-10 Western Horsemanship371. Color YA W/T 10/U Western Horsemanship All Types Horse372. Solid YA W/T 10/U Western Horsemanship All Types Horse373. APHA Yth W/T 11-18 Western Horsemanship375. Solid YA W/T 11-18 Western Horsemanship All Types Horse376. APHA AM W/T Amateur Western Horsemanship378. SPB AM W/T Amateur Western Horsemanship379. Solid AM W/T 19+ Western Horsemanship All Types HorseABWalk to AWalkJog to BJogTurn 180° right180°Jog back around to BJogExtend the jog from B to AExtJogStop at A and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready before at A1. Walk to A2. Jog to B3. Turn 180° right4. Jog back around to B5. Extend the jog from B to A6. Stop at A and back approximately one horse lengthFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIPShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/10/2022Classes: 380. All Breed W/T/C Horsemanship381. APHA Novice Yth 18/U Western Horsemanship383. APHA Novice AM Western Horsemanship385. APHA Yth 13/U Western Horsemanship386. APHA Yth 18/U Western Horsemanship388. SPB Yth 18/U Western Horsemanship389. Solid YA 18/U Western Horsemanship All Types Horse390. APHA AM Western Horsemanship392. SPB AM Western Horsemanship393. Color AM 19+ Western Horsemanship All Types Horse395. Color YA 18/U Bareback Western Horsemanship All Types HorseABLope on the right lead to BRLTurn 180° right180°Lope on the left lead around to BLLBreak to walk, walk approximately 10 feetWalkJog to AJogStop at A and back one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Lope on the right lead to B2. Turn 180° right3. Lope on the left lead around to B4. Break to walk, walk approximately 10 feet5. Jog to A6. Stop at A and back one horse lengthFollow the instructions of your ring steward
TRAILShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/10/2022Classes: 243. APHA OP In-Hand Trail Yearling282. Color OP Trail In Hand All Types Yearling Horse283. All Breed Open In-Hand Trail284. Solid OP Trail In Hand All Types Horse285. APHA AM In-Hand Trail Yearling286. Color AM 19+ Trail In Hand All Types Yearling Horse287. APHA OP In-Hand Trail 2 YO288. APHA AM In-Hand Trail 2 YO289. All Breed W/T Trail290. APHA Yth W/T 5-10 Trail291. Color YA W/T 10/U Trail All Types Horse292. Solid YA W/T 10/U Trail All Types Horse293. APHA Yth W/T 11-18 Trail295. Solid YA W/T 11-18 Trail All Types Horse296. APHA AM W/T Amateur Trail298. SPB AM W/T Amateur Trail299. Solid AM W/T 19+ Trail All Types HorseWalk over poles and into chutePolesBack LLTrot out of chute and through boxTrotTrot around box and over 2 polesPolesTrot over poles as shownPolesWalk through box and through open gateBox,GateWalk over poles and bridge to finishPoles/Br1. Walk over poles and into chute2. Back L3. Trot out of chute and through box4. Trot around box and over 2 poles5. Trot over poles as shown6. Walk through box and through open gate7. Walk over poles and bridge to finish
SHOWMANSHIPShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/9/2022Classes: 103. All Breed Walk-Only Showmanship110. APHA AM W/T Amateur Showmanship113. Solid AM W/T 19+ Western Showmanship All Types HorseJABExtended walk from A to judgeTrotWhen dismissed extended walk to BTrotTurn 360° and walk360°Stop and back one horse lengthBackTurn 270° and walk270°Be ready at A1. Extended walk from A to judge2. Stop and set up for inspection3. When dismissed extended walk to B4. Turn 360°5. Back one horse length6. Turn 270° and walkWalk and follow instructions of ring steward
WESTERN RIDINGShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/10/2022Classes: 324. APHA OP Western Riding326. APHA Novice AM Western Riding396. APHA Novice Yth 18/U Western RidingWalk, transition to jog, jog over logW/J/LogTransition to left lead lopeLLFirst crossing changeCross1Second crossing changeCross2Third crossing changeCross3circle and first line changeLine1Second line change and circleLine2Lope logL/LogStop and backS&BStartFinish1. Walk, transition to jog, jog over log2. Transition to left lead lope3. First crossing change4. Second crossing change5. Third crossing change6. circle and first line change7. Second line change and circle8. Lope log9. Stop and back
OBSTACLE DRIVINGShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/10/2022Classes: 233. APHA OP Utility Driving234. Color OP Obstacle Driving All Types Horse235. Color YA 18/U Obstacle Driving All Types Horse236. APHA AM Utility Driving237. Color AM 19+ Obstacle Driving All Types HorseWalk through road signsWalkRoad gait between conesRGPark gait figure 8PGWalk into chuteWalk and backBackPark gait serpentinePGWalk over bridge. Pattern is completeWalk1. Walk through road signs2. Road gait between cones3. Park gait figure 84. Walk into chute and back5. Park gait serpentine6. Walk over bridge. Pattern is complete
RANCH RIDINGShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/9/2022Classes: 194. All Breed W/T Ranch Riding195. APHA Novice AM Ranch Riding196. All Breed Ranch Riding197. APHA OP Ranch Riding198. APHA AM Ranch Riding199. APHA Yth 18/U Ranch RidingStartFinishWalkWalkTrotTrotExtend the trotExtTLope left leadLLStop, 540° turn right540°RExtended lopeExtLCollect to working right lead lopeRLChange leads (simple or flying)RL➞LLWalk, walk over logsW/LogsTrotTrotExtended trotExtTStop and backS&B1. Walk2. Trot3. Extend the trot4. Lope left lead5. Stop, 540° turn right6. Extended lope7. Collect to working right lead lope8. Change leads (simple or flying)9. Walk, walk over logs10. Trot11. Extended trot12. Stop and back13. Natural ranch horse appearance
LONGE LINEShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/9/2022Classes: 128. APHA OP Longe Line 2 YO129. APHA AM Longe Line 2 YO1. Conformation2. Walk13. Trot14. Lope15. Circle16. Manners17. Walk28. Trot29. Lope210. Circle211. Manners2
RANCH PLEASUREShow: Linda Lewis Memorial Give Cancer the Boot Date: 4/9/2022Classes: 207. APHA Novice AM Ranch Pleasure208. All Breed Ranch Pleasure209. APHA OP Ranch Pleasure210. APHA OP Ranch Pleasure211. APHA Yth 18/U Ranch PleasureAll distances areapproximated and areonly recommendationsPattern may be setclockwise orcounterclockwiseLopeLopeExtended lopeExtLopeWalkWalkTrotTrotStop; ReverseS&RevExtended trotExtTrotTrotTrotExtended WalkExtWalkLopeLopeStop and backS&B1. Lope2. Extended lope3. Walk4. Trot5. Stop; Reverse6. Extended trot7. Trot8. Extended Walk9. Lope10. Stop and back
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