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RANCH RIDINGShow: 2024 WCRH Buckle Series #4 Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 71. Green Horse (W/T) Ranch Riding81. Green Rider (W/T) Ranch Riding91. Short Stirrup (10&U-W/T) Ranch Riding1. Trot, Trot Poles2. Walk3. Trot and Stop4. Two Turns Right5. Trot, Then Walk6. Trot7. Walk and Stop8. Back
RANCH RIDINGShow: 2024 WCRH Buckle Series #4 Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 11. Open Ranch Riding21. Amateur Ranch Riding31. Amateur Limited Ranch Riding41. Amateur Select (50&O) Ranch Riding51. Youth (18&U) Ranch Riding61. Green Horse (W/T/L) Ranch Riding999.1. Ranch Riding Test Class (DO NOT USE)1. Walk in Arena, Walk over Logs2. Lope Right Lead3. Extend the Lope4. Stop and Back5. 360° Left6. Trot7. Extend the Trot8. Stop, 360°Right9. Lope Right Lead, Change lead (Simple or Flying)10. Change Leads11. Lope Left Lead12. Trot13. Extend Walk, Walk to Exit
TRAILShow: 2024 WCRH Buckle Series #4 Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 13. Open Ranch Trail23. Amateur Ranch Trail33. Amateur Limited Ranch Trail43. Amateur Select (50&O) Ranch Trail53. Youth (18&U) Ranch Trail63. Green Horse (W/T/L) Ranch Trail999.3. Ranch Trail Test Class (DO NOT USE)Right hand gateGateWalk to wine barrel, pick up bucket, place on other wine barrelBarrelTrot around markersTrotLope left lead over poleLLStop between rocks; Position horse to back around marker, either directionBackExtended trot over polesETrotSidepass left over polesSPTrot over pole as shownTrotWalk polesPolesWalk onto bridge, stop, count to 5, walk to exitBridge1. Right hand gate2. Walk to wine barrel, pick up bucket, place on other wine barrel3. Trot around markers4. Lope left lead over pole5. Stop between rocks; Position horse to back around marker, either direction6. Extended trot over poles7. Sidepass left over poles8. Trot over pole as shown9. Walk poles10. Walk onto bridge, stop, count to 5, walk to exit
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