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WESTERN RIDINGShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 255. Youth Western Riding256. Select Western Riding257. Amateur Western Riding258. Open Western RidingStartFinishWalk at least 15’ & jog over logW/J/LogTransition to left lead & lope around endLLFirst line changeLine1Second line changeLine2Third line changeLine3Fourth line change lope around the end of arena Line4First crossing changeCross1Second crossing changeCross2Lope over logL/LogThird crossing changeCross3Fourth crossing changeCross4Lope up the center, stop & backS&B1. Walk at least 15’ & jog over log2. Transition to left lead & lope around end3. First line change4. Second line change5. Third line change6. Fourth line change lope around the end of arena 7. First crossing change8. Second crossing change9. Lope over log10. Third crossing change11. Fourth crossing change12. Lope up the center, stop & back
REININGShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 55. PQHA 18 and Under Reining - All Breed56. Youth Reining57. PQHA 19 and Over Reining - All Breed58. Select Reining59. Amateur Reining60. Open ReiningStartFinishComplete four spins to the left.4SL Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.4SRBeginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the right: the first circle large and fast; the second circle small and slow; the third circle large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.OoO-RComplete three circles to the left: the first circle large and fast; the second circle small and slow; the third circle large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.OoO-LBegin a large circle to the right but do not close this circle. Run straight down the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence - no hesitation.LRBContinue back around the previous circle but do not close this circle. Run down the left side of the arena past the center marker and do a right rollback at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence - no hesitation.RRBContinue back around the previous circle but do not close this circle. Run down the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence. Back up at least 10 feet. Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.S&BHorse must walk or stop prior to starting pattern. Beginning at the center ofthe arena facing the left wall or fence.1. Complete four spins to the left.2. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.3. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the right: the firstcircle large and fast; the second circle small and slow; the third circle largeand fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.4. Complete three circles to the left: the first circle large and fast; the secondcircle small and slow; the third circle large and fast. Change leads at thecenter of the arena.5. Begin a large circle to the right but do not close this circle. Run straightdown the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollbackat least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence - no hesitation.6. Continue back around the previous circle but do not close this circle. Run downthe left side of the arena past the center marker and do a right rollback atleast 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence - no hesitation.7. Continue back around the previous circle but do not close this circle. Run downthe right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop atleast 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence. Back up at least 10 feet.Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.Rider may drop bridle to the designated judge.
RANCH TRAILShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 269. PQHA 18 and Under Ranch Trail - All Breed270. Youth Ranch Trail271. PQHA 19 and Over Ranch Trail - All Breed272. Select Ranch Trail273. Amateur Ranch Trail274. Open Ranch TrailBe ready the gate.1. Right hand push gate.2. Walk into chute. Back L.3. Trot out of chute and over logs.4. Left lead lope around marker.5. Break to extended trot and extended trot around marker.6. Amateur & Open ONLY: Drag log to the right at the walk or trot. All otherstrot right circle around drag.7. Right lead lope. 8. Break to walk or stop. Walk over bridge and over log.9. Sidepass left over log10. Natural ranch horse appearanceExit at a walk.
HORSEMANSHIPShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 38. Youth Western Horsemanship39. Select Western Horsemanship40. Amateur Western HorsemanshipABWalk to AWalkJog 1/2 the lineJog then extend the trot a square corner to the right and continue to the middleEJogLope in the left lead a large circle to the left with speedLL At the base of the circle and slow to a collected lope, then lope as drawn to centerLLAt center, break to a jog and jog the corner to left as shownJogStop at B and back 2 horse lengths; S&B Walk outWalk1. Walk to A2. Jog 1/2 the line then extend the trot a square corner to the right and continueto the middle3. Lope in the left lead a large circle to the left with speed4. At the base of the circle and slow to a collected lope, then lope as drawn tocenter5. At center, break to a jog and jog the corner to left as shown6. Stop at B and back 2 horse lengths; Walk out
WESTERN RIDINGShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 44. Youth Western Riding45. Select Western Riding46. Amateur Western Riding47. Open Western RidingStartFinishWalk, transition to jog, jog over logW/J/LogTransition to the lope, lope around endLopeFirst line changeLine1Second line changeLine2Third line changeLine3Fourth line changeLine4First crossing changeCross1Second crossing changeCross2Third crossing changeCross3Lope over logL/LogLope, stop & backS&B1. Walk, transition to jog, jog over log2. Transition to the lope, lope around end3. First line change4. Second line change5. Third line change6. Fourth line change7. First crossing change8. Second crossing change9. Third crossing change10. Lope over log11. Lope, stop & back
TRAILShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 5. Level 1 Open Trail6. PQHA 18 and Under Trail - All Breed7. Level 1 Youth Trail8. PQHA 19 and Over Trail - All Breed9. Level 1 Amateur Trail10. Youth Trail11. Junior Trail12. Select Trail13. Amateur Trail14. Senior TrailBack thru poles,BackJog over polesJogLope over poles left leadLLBreak to jog, jog over polesJogLope over poles left leadLLJog thru cones, jog over polesJogJog up to box, stop or break to walk, walk into box,Walk 360° turn either way, walk out of box,360°Jog over polesJogLope over poles right lead andRL break to a trot to exitTrot1. Gate (LH) right thru close2. Back thru poles,3. Jog over poles4. Lope over poles left lead5. Break to jog, jog over poles6. Lope over poles left lead7. Jog thru cones, jog over polesJog up to box, stop or break to walk, walk intobox, 360° turn either way, walk out of box,Jog over poles8. Lope over poles right lead and break to a trot to exitYou must show a stop for the completion of your pattern
SHOWMANSHIPShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/28/2024Classes: 171. Youth Showmanship at Halter - Show 1171. Youth Showmanship at Halter - Show 2JAWalk until even with judgeWalk90° turn90°Trot to judge TrotStopStopWhen dismissed, 90° turn90°Back at least one horse lengthBackTrotTrotWalkWalkTrot to exitTrotBe ready at start cone1. Walk until even with judge2. 90° turn3. Trot to judge 4. Stop5. Set up6. Inspection7. When dismissed, 90° turn8. Back at least one horse length9. Trot10. Walk11. Trot to exit
WESTERN RIDINGShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 252. Level 1 Open Western Riding253. Level 1 Youth Western Riding254. Level 1 Amateur Western RidingStartFinishWalk at least 15’ & jog over logW/J/LogTransition to left lead & lope around endLLFirst line changeLine1Second line change lope around end of arenaLine2First crossing changeCross1Second crossing changeCross2Lope over logL/LogThird crossing changeCross3Fourth crossing changeCross4Lope up the center, stop & backS&B1. Walk at least 15’ & jog over log2. Transition to left lead & lope around end3. First line change4. Second line change lope around end of arena5. First crossing change6. Second crossing change7. Lope over log8. Third crossing change9. Fourth crossing change10. Lope up the center, stop & back
RANCH TRAILShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/28/2024Classes: 86. PQHA 18 and Under Ranch Trail - All Breed87. Youth Ranch Trail88. PQHA 19 and Over Ranch Trail - All Breed89. Select Ranch Trail90. Amateur Ranch Trail100. Open Ranch TrailBe ready the gate.1. Walk over bridge & log.2. Sidepass left over log.3. Back to gate.4. Left hand push gate.5. Right lead lope to drag. Stop.6. Amateur & Open ONLY: Drag log to the left at the walk or trot. All otherstrot left circle around drag.7. Extended trot figure 8 around markers.8. Left lead lope over log.9. Break to trot and trot over log. 10. Natural ranch horse appearanceExit at a trot.
EQUITATIONShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 83. Youth Hunt Seat EquitationABCDPosting trot left diagonal to BLDCanter right lead to and around C and halfway to DRLChange leadsRL→LL and canter to DLLPosting trot right diagonal back to ARDHalt and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Posting trot left diagonal to B2. Canter right lead to and around C and halfway to D3. Change leads4. and canter to D5. Posting trot right diagonal back to A6. Halt and back approximately one horse lengthExit at a sitting trot
REININGShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/28/2024Classes: 181. PQHA 18 and Under Reining - All Breed182. Youth Reining183. PQHA 19 and Over Reining - All Breed184. Select Reining185. Amateur Reining186. Open ReiningStartFinishHorses may walk or trot to the center of the arena. Horses must walk or stopprior to starting the pattern. Beginning at the center of the arena facing theleft wall or fence.1. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.2. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.3. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the right: the first twocircles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Change leads at thecenter of the arena.4. Complete three circles to the left: the first two circles large and fast; thethird circle small and slow. Change leads at the center of the arena.5. Begin a large circle to the right but do not close this circle. Run up theright side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback at leasttwenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.6. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up theleft side of the arena past the center marker and do a right rollback at leasttwenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.7. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up theright side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at leasttwenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence. Back up at least ten feet(three meters). Hesitate to demonstrate the completion of the pattern.Hesitate to show completion of pattern.
EQUITATIONShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/28/2024Classes: 201. PQHA 18 and Under Walk-Trot Hunt Seat Equitation - All Breed202. Level 1 Youth Walk-Trot Hunt Seat Equitation203. PQHA 19 and Over Walk-Trot Hunt Seat Equitation - All Breed204. Level 1 Amateur Walk-Trot Hunt Seat EquitationABCWalk two horse lengths from AWalkTrot left diagonal half circle to BLDChange diagonals at BLD>RDTrot right diagonal until even with ARDTrot left corner, continue at trotRDBe ready with tail at A1. Walk two horse lengths from A2. Trot left diagonal half circle to B3. Change diagonals at B4. Trot right diagonal until even with A5. Trot left corner, continue at trotPattern is over when even with C
TRAILShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 216. Level 1 Open Trail217. PQHA 18 and Under Trail - All Breed218. Level 1 Youth Trail219. PQHA 19 and Over Trail - All Breed220. Level 1 Amateur Trail221. Youth Trail222. Junior Trail223. Select Trail224. Amateur Trail225. Open TrailWork rope gate LH open, walk over pole, close gateGateBack around corner and between polesBackWalk over polesWalkLope over poles (right lead)RLBreak to the jog, jog over polesJogLope over poles (right lead)RLBreak to the jog, jog over polesJogLope over poles (left lead)LLBreak to the jog, jog over polesJogJog through serpentine, jog over polesJogStop or break to the walk, walk into box,Walk execute a 360° turn either way, walk out of box360°1. Work rope gate LH open, walk over pole, close gate2. Back around corner and between poles3. Walk over poles4. Lope over poles (right lead)5. Break to the jog, jog over poles6. Lope over poles (right lead)7. Break to the jog, jog over poles8. Lope over poles (left lead)9. Break to the jog, jog over poles10. Jog through serpentine, jog over poles11. Stop or break to the walk, walk into box, execute a 360° turn either way, walkout of box
HORSEMANSHIPShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 245. PQHA 18 and Under Horsemanship - All Breed246. Level 1 Youth Western Horsemanship247. PQHA 19 and Over Western Horsemanship - All Breed248. Level 1 Amateur Western HorsemanshipABWalk to AWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BExecute a 90° turn to the left and90° jog a half circle JogLope on the left lead to BLLStop at B andStop execute a 180° turn to the right180°Extended jog to exitEJogBe ready before marker A1. Walk to A2. Stop and back approximately one horse length3. Execute a 90° turn to the left and jog a half circle 4. Lope on the left lead to B5. Stop at B and execute a 180° turn to the right6. Extended jog to exitFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIPShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 249. Youth Western Horsemanship250. Select Western Horsemanship251. Amateur Western HorsemanshipABWalk to AWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BExecute a 270° turn to the right and270° lope on the right leadRLPerform a simple lead change andR>L lope on the left lead to BLLStop at B andStop execute a 180° turn to the right180°Jog to exitJogBe ready before marker A1. Walk to A2. Stop and back approximately one horse length3. Execute a 270° turn to the right and lope on the right lead4. Perform a simple lead change and lope on the left lead to B5. Stop at B and execute a 180° turn to the right6. Jog to exitFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIPShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 34. PQHA 18 and Under Horsemanship - All Breed35. Level 1 Youth Western Horsemanship36. PQHA 19 and Over Western Horsemanship - All Breed37. Level 1 Amateur Western HorsemanshipAJog from A, square corner to center of patternJogLope circle left leadLLAt completion of circle, continue straightLLStop and perform a 90° turn left90°Back approximately one horse lengthBackWalk to cross your lineWalkExit arena at jogJogBe ready at A1. Jog from A, square corner to center of pattern2. Lope circle left lead3. At completion of circle, continue straight4. Stop and perform a 90° turn left5. Back approximately one horse length6. Walk to cross your line7. Exit arena at jog
TRAILShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 212. PQHA 18 and Under Walk Trot Trail - All Breed213. Level 1 Youth Walk-Trot Trail214. PQHA 19 and Over Walk Trot Trail - All Breed215. Level 1 Amateur Walk-Trot TrailWork rope gate LH open, walk over pole, close gateGateBack around corner and between polesBackWalk over polesWalkJog over polesJogJog over polesJogJog over polesJogJog over polesJogJog through serpentineJogStop or break to the walk, walk into box,Walk execute a 360° turn either way, walk out of box360°1. Work rope gate LH open, walk over pole, close gate2. Back around corner and between poles3. Walk over poles4. Jog over poles5. Jog over poles6. Jog over poles7. Jog over poles8. Jog through serpentine9. Stop or break to the walk, walk into box, execute a 360° turn either way, walkout of box
EQUITATIONShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 75. PQHA 18 and Under Walk Trot Hunt Seat Equitation - All Breed76. Level 1 Youth Walk-Trot Hunt Seat Equitation77. PQHA 19 and Over Walk Trot Hunt Seat Equitation - All Breed78. Level 1 Amateur Walk-Trot Hunt Seat EquitationABCDWalk halfway to BWalkPosting trot on the left diagonal to BLDSitting trot to CSitPosting trot on the right diagonal to DRDHalt at D and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Walk halfway to B2. Posting trot on the left diagonal to B3. Sitting trot to C4. Posting trot on the right diagonal to D5. Halt at D and back approximately one horse lengthExit at a sitting trot
RANCH RIDINGShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/28/2024Classes: 101. Level 1 Open Ranch Riding102. PQHA 18 and Under Ranch Riding - All Breed103. Level 1 Youth Ranch Riding104. PQHA 19 and Over Ranch Riding - All Breed105. Level 1 Amateur Ranch Riding106. Youth Ranch Riding107. Junior Ranch Riding108. Select Ranch Riding109. Amateur Ranch Riding110. Senior Ranch RidingWalkWalkWalk over logsWalkLope right leadRLExtended lope (right lead)Ext RLTrotTrotStop, 1 1/2 turns right540°RWalkWalkTrotTrotExtended trotExt TrotLope left leadLLStop and backS & BSide pass rightSP R1. Walk2. Walk over logs3. Lope right lead4. Extended lope (right lead)5. Trot6. Stop, 1 1/2 turns right7. Walk8. Trot9. Extended trot10. Lope left lead11. Stop and back12. Side pass right13. Natural ranch horse appearance
SHOWMANSHIPShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/28/2024Classes: 167. PQHA 18 and Under Showmanship - All Breed - Show 2167. PQHA 18 and Under Showmanship - All Breed - Show 1168. Level 1 Youth Showmanship at Halter - Show 2168. Level 1 Youth Showmanship at Halter - Show 1169. PQHA 19 and Over Showmanship - All Breed - Show 1169. PQHA 19 and Over Showmanship - All Breed - Show 2170. Level 1 Amateur Showmanship at Halter - Show 2170. Level 1 Amateur Showmanship at Halter - Show 1JAWalk to judgeWalkStopStopSet upSetupInspectionInspWhen dismissed, 90° turn90°Back at least one horse lengthBackTrot to exitTrotBe ready at start cone1. Walk to judge2. Stop3. Set up4. Inspection5. When dismissed, 90° turn6. Back at least one horse length7. Trot to exit
TRAILShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 1. PQHA 18 and Under Walk Trot Trail - All Breed2. Level 1 Youth Walk-Trot Trail3. PQHA 19 and Over Walk Trot Trail - All Breed4. Level 1 Amateur Walk-Trot TrailBack thru poles,BackJog over polesJogJog over polesJogJog over polesJogJog over polesJogJog thru cones, jog over polesJogJog up to box, stop or break to walk, walk into box,Walk 360° turn either way, walk out of box360°1. Gate (LH) right thru close2. Back thru poles,3. Jog over poles4. Jog over poles5. Jog over poles6. Jog over poles7. Jog thru cones, jog over polesJog up to box, stop or break to walk, walk intobox, 360° turn either way, walk out of boxYou must show a stop for the completion of your pattern
HORSEMANSHIPShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 241. PQHA 18 and Under Walk-Trot Horsemanship - All Breed242. Level 1 Youth Walk-Trot Western Horsemanship243. PQHA 19 and Over Walk-Trot Horsemanship - All Breed244. Level 1 Amateur Walk-Trot Western HorsemanshipABWalk to AWalkStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BExecute a 90° turn to the left and90° jog a half circle JogExtend the jog to BEJogStop at B andStop execute a 180° turn to the right180°Walk to exitWalkBe ready before marker A1. Walk to A2. Stop and back approximately one horse length3. Execute a 90° turn to the left and jog a half circle 4. Extend the jog to B5. Stop at B and execute a 180° turn to the right6. Walk to exitFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIPShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 30. PQHA 18 and Under Walk-Trot Horsemanship31. Level 1 Youth Walk-Trot Western Horsemanship32. PQHA 19 and Over Walk-Trot Horsemanship33. Level 1 Amateur Walk-Trot Western HorsemanshipABWalk 1/2 the lineWalk then jog and turn corner and continue to middleJogExtended trot circle to the leftEJogClose the circle and resume a regular jogJogJog around the corner andJog then walk to cone BWalkStop and back two horse lengthsS&B and walk outWalkBe ready at A1. Walk 1/2 the line then jog and turn corner and continue to middle2. Extended trot circle to the left3. Close the circle and resume a regular jog4. Jog around the corner and then walk to cone B5. Stop and back two horse lengths and walk out
EQUITATIONShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/28/2024Classes: 209. Youth Hunt Seat Equitation210. Select Hunt Seat Equitation211. Amateur Hunt Seat EquitationABCWalk two horse lengths from AWalkStop and turn 360° right on the forehand360°Canter on the right lead in a half circle to BRLSimple lead change at BRL>LLCanter a circle to the left at BLLPosting trot left diagonal until even with ALDChange diagonals and trot left corner, continue at trotRDBe ready with tail at A1. Walk two horse lengths from A2. Stop and turn 360° right on the forehand3. Canter on the right lead in a half circle to B4. Simple lead change at B5. Canter a circle to the left at B6. Posting trot left diagonal until even with A7. Change diagonals and trot left corner, continue at trotPattern is over when even with C
WESTERN RIDINGShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 41. Level 1 Open Western Riding42. Level 1 Youth Western Riding43. Level 1 Amateur Western RidingStartFinishWalk, transition to jog, jog over logW/J/LogTransition to the right lead and lope around endRLFirst line changeLine1Second line change, lope around end of arenaLine2First crossing changeCross1Second crossing changeCross2Third crossing changeCross3Lope over logL/LogLope, stop & backS&B1. Walk, transition to jog, jog over log2. Transition to the right lead and lope around end3. First line change4. Second line change, lope around end of arena5. First crossing change6. Second crossing change7. Third crossing change8. Lope over log9. Lope, stop & back
RANCH RIDINGShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/29/2024Classes: 259. Level 1 Open Ranch Riding260. PQHA 18 and Under Ranch Riding - All Breed261. Level 1 Youth Ranch Riding262. PQHA 19 and Over Ranch Riding - All Breed263. Level 1 Amateur Ranch Riding264. Youth Ranch Riding265. Junior Ranch Riding266. Select Ranch Riding267. Amateur Ranch Riding268. Senior Ranch RidingWalkwalkTrot serpentinetrotLope left lead around the end of the arena and then diagonally across the arenaLLChange leads (simple or flying) andchangeLope on the right lead around end of the arenaRLExtend lope on the straight away and around corner to the center of the arenaext lopeExtend trot around corner of the arenaext trotCollect to a trottrotTrot over polestrot logStop, do 360° turn each direction (either direction first)360°Walk,walkStop and backS&BBe ready at A1. Walk2. Trot serpentine3. Lope left lead around the end of the arena and then diagonally across the arena4. Change leads (simple or flying) and5. Lope on the right lead around end of the arena6. Extend lope on the straight away and around corner to the center of the arena7. Extend trot around corner of the arena8. Collect to a trot9. Trot over poles10. Stop, do 360° turn each direction (either direction first)Walk,11. Stop and back12. Natural ranch horse appearanceExit at a walk
EQUITATIONShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/28/2024Classes: 205. PQHA 18 and Under Hunt Seat Equitation - All Breed206. Level 1 Youth Hunt Seat Equitation207. PQHA 19 and Over Hunt Seat Equitation - All Breed208. Level 1 Amateur Hunt Seat EquitationABCWalk two horse lengths from AWalkCanter on the right lead in a half circle to BRLSimple lead change at BRL>LLCanter a circle to the left at BLLPosting trot left diagonal until even with ALDChange diagonals and trot left corner, continue at trotRDBe ready with tail at A1. Walk two horse lengths from A2. Canter on the right lead in a half circle to B3. Simple lead change at B4. Canter a circle to the left at B5. Posting trot left diagonal until even with A6. Change diagonals and trot left corner, continue at trotPattern is over when even with C
EQUITATIONShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 79. PQHA 18 and Under Hunt Seat Equitation - All Breed80. Level 1 Youth Hunt Seat Equitation81. PQHA 19 and Over Hunt Seat Equitation - All Breed82. Level 1 Amateur Hunt Seat EquitationABCDWalk to AWalkSitting trot to BSitAt B canter on the right lead around B to CRLAt C posting trot around C and B to DLDAt D stop and perform a 180° turn to the right on the hindquarters180°Back 4 stepsBackBe ready at A1. Walk to A2. Sitting trot to B3. At B canter on the right lead around B to C4. At C posting trot around C and B to D5. At D stop and perform a 180° turn to the right on the hindquarters6. Back 4 stepsExit at a sitting trot
EQUITATIONShow: PQHA Boom Circuit Date: 9/27/2024Classes: 84. Select Hunt Seat Equitation85. Amateur Hunt Seat EquitationCBDACanter on the right lead to and around BRLHalfway between B and C, change leadsRL→LLCanter on left lead to and around CLLHand gallop from C to DHGAt D, posting trot right diagonalRDAt B, two-point trot halfway to C2PtSitting trot to CSitStop and back one horse length at CS&BBe ready at A1. Canter on the right lead to and around B2. Halfway between B and C, change leads3. Canter on left lead to and around C4. Hand gallop from C to D5. At D, posting trot right diagonal6. At B, two-point trot halfway to C7. Sitting trot to C8. Stop and back one horse length at C
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