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SHOWMANSHIPShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/21/2023Classes: 5. Intermediate Showmanship6. Senior Showmanship9. Senior+ ShowmanshipJWalkWalkStop, turn 90°90°Back one horse lengthBackTrot to judgeTrotWhen dismissed turn 270°270°TrotTrotWalk; Trot to exitW/T1. Walk2. Stop, turn 90°3. Back one horse length4. Trot to judge5. Set up6. Inspection7. When dismissed turn 270°8. Trot9. Walk; Trot to exit
SHOWMANSHIPShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/21/2023Classes: 4. Junior Showmanship10. Senior++ ShowmanshipJWalk to judgeWalkWhen dismissed turn 90°90°TrotTrotStop and back one horse lengthBackTurn 180°180°Trot; WalkT/WStop; Turn 360°360°Trot to exitTrot1. Walk to judge2. Stop and set up3. Inspection4. When dismissed turn 90°5. Trot6. Stop and back one horse length7. Turn 180°8. Trot; Walk9. Stop; Turn 360°10. Trot to exit
HORSEMANSHIPShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/22/2023Classes: 50. Junior Western HorsemanshipABCWalk to BWalkBack as shownBackJog until even with BJogExtended jog as shown to CEJogTurn 360° on the hindquarters to the right360°Lope right lead as shownRLChange leadsRL>LLLope left lead until even with ALLStop at AStopExit at a jogJogBe ready at A1. Walk to B2. Back as shown3. Jog until even with B4. Extended jog as shown to C5. Turn 360° on the hindquarters to the right6. Lope right lead as shown7. Change leads8. Lope left lead until even with A9. Stop at A10. Exit at a jog
EQUITATIONShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/21/2023Classes: 23. Senior+ Hunt Seat Equitation24. Senior Hunt Seat Equitation25. Intermediate Hunt Seat EquitationABCWalk to AWalkCanter on the left lead to center of oattern and in a half circle around BLLTrot on the right diagonal from B to CRDWalk around CWalkTrot on the left diagonal halfway to BLDCanter right lead circleRLSitting trot until even with BSitTrotHalt at B and back approximately one horse length.S&B Walk straight awayWalkBe ready before A1. Walk to A2. Canter on the left lead to center of oattern and in a half circle around B3. Trot on the right diagonal from B to C4. Walk around C5. Trot on the left diagonal halfway to B6. Canter right lead circle7. Sitting trot until even with B8. Halt at B and back approximately one horse length. Walk straight awayFollow the instructions of your ring steward
RANCH RIDINGShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/22/2023Classes: 55. Jr. Ranch Riding 17 & under56. Sr. Ranch Riding 18-3457. Sr.+ Ranch RidingWalkWalkWalk over logsWalkLope right leadRLExtended lope (right lead)Ext RLTrotTrotStop, 1 1/2 turns right540°RWalkWalkTrotTrotExtended trotExt TrotLope left leadLLStop and backS & BSide pass rightSP R1. Walk2. Walk over logs3. Lope right lead4. Extended lope (right lead)5. Trot6. Stop, 1 1/2 turns right7. Walk8. Trot9. Extended trot10. Lope left lead11. Stop and back12. Side pass right13. Natural ranch horse appearance
SHOWMANSHIPShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/21/2023Classes: 3. PeeWee ShowmanshipJAWhen acknowledged, walk half way to judgeWalkStop and perform a ¼ turn90°Back approximately one horse lengthBackWalk until even with judgeWalkTrot in a half circle to judgeTrotWhen dismissed, perform a½ turn and walk straight away from judge180°walkBe ready at A1. When acknowledged, walk half way to judge2. Stop and perform a ¼ turn3. Back approximately one horse length4. Walk until even with judge5. Trot in a half circle to judge6. Stop and set up for inspection7. When dismissed, perform a ½ turn and walk straight away from judgeFollow the instructions of your ring steward
EQUITATIONShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/21/2023Classes: 26. Junior Hunt Seat EquitationABCBack approximately one horse lengthBackWalk to AWalkTrot on the left diagonal to top of patternLDChange diagonal and trot on the right diagonal to and around B until even with CRDCanter on the right lead to CRLWalk around CWalkCanter on the left lead until even with ALLContinue to trot and trot to exitRDBe ready at A1. Back approximately one horse length2. Walk to A3. Trot on the left diagonal to top of pattern4. Change diagonal and trot on the right diagonal to and around B until even with5. Canter on the right lead to C6. Walk around C7. Canter on the left lead until even with A8. Continue to trot and trot to exitFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIPShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/22/2023Classes: 51. Intermediate Western Horsemanship52. Senior Western Horsemanship53. Senior+ Western Horsemanship54. Senior++ Western HorsemanshipABWalk two horse lengthsWalkExtended jog past BEJogStop and turn 180° right on the haunches180°Sidepass rightSPBack one horse lengthBackLope left lead around BLLChange leadsLL>RLLope right lead until even with ARLExit at a jogJogBe ready at A1. Walk two horse lengths2. Extended jog past B3. Stop and turn 180° right on the haunches4. Sidepass right5. Back one horse length6. Lope left lead around B7. Change leads8. Lope right lead until even with A9. Exit at a jog
HORSEMANSHIPShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/22/2023Classes: 49. PeeWee Western HorsemanshipABWalk approximately 2 horse lengths from AWalkJog to BJogExtended jog in a half circleEJLope on left lead until even with ALLStop and perform a 180° turn to the right180°Lope on right lead until even with ARLExtended jog to BEJStop and back approximately 1 horse lengthS&BPerform a 90° turn to the right and walk straight away90°&WalkBe ready at A1. Walk approximately 2 horse lengths from A2. Jog to B3. Extended jog in a half circle4. Lope on left lead until even with A5. Stop and perform a 180° turn to the right6. Lope on right lead until even with B7. Extended jog to B8. Stop and back approximately 1 horse length9. Perform a 90° turn to the left and walk straight awayFollow the instructions of your ring steward
EQUITATIONShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/21/2023Classes: 22. All Age Saddle Seat EquitationTrot to the mid-point of the rail to your right (A) on the correct diagonal. Stop.TrotPivot to the left, facing the middle of the end of the arena (B).TurnCanter on your right lead to (B). Stop.RLCanter a circle on the left lead. Stop.LLPivot to the left, facing the mid-point of the opposite side of the arena (C).Trot a straight line on the left diagonal to(C). Stop.LLCanter on the correct lead to the end of the straight-away. Stop.LL1. Trot to the mid-point of the rail to your right (A) on the correct diagonal.Stop.2. Pivot to the left, facing the middle of the end of the arena (B).3. Canter on your right lead to (B). Stop.4. Canter a circle on the left lead. Stop.5. Pivot to the left, facing the mid-point of the opposite side of the arena(C).Trot a straight line on the left diagonal to(C). Stop.6. Canter on the correct lead to the end of the straight-away. Stop.Return to the lineup
HORSEMANSHIPShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/22/2023Classes: 35. 17/U Bareback Western HorsemanshipABWalk to AWalkJog to BJogTurn 180° right180°Lope on the left lead back around to BJogPerform a lead change (simple or flying) at BLL>RLLope on the right lead to AJogStop at A and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Walk to A2. Jog to B3. Turn 180° right4. Lope on the left lead back around to B5. Perform a lead change (simple or flying) at B6. Lope on the right lead to A7. Stop at A and back approximately one horse lengthFollow the instructions of your ring steward
HORSEMANSHIPShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/22/2023Classes: 36. 18/O Bareback Western HorsemanshipExecute 1 turn left on the haunches360°JogJogExtended jogExtJogLope, right lead.RL Change leads (simple or flying)RL>LLLope, left leadLLStop, backBackWalk to exitWalk1. Execute 1 turn left on the haunches2. Jog3. Extended jog4. Lope, right lead. Change leads (simple or flying)5. Lope, left lead6. Stop, back7. Walk to exit
LONGE LINEShow: 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show Date: 9/21/2023Classes: 8. $200 Added Futurity Yearling Longe Line1. Conformation2. Walk13. Trot14. Lope15. Circle16. Manners17. Walk28. Trot29. Lope210. Circle211. Manners2
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