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SHOWMANSHIPShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 5. Showmanship 13 & UnderJABCDWalk from A to BWalkTrot from B to CTrotWhen dismissed, perform a 90° turn90°Walk to DWalk1. Walk from A to B2. Trot from B to C3. Stop at C and set up for inspection4. When dismissed, perform a 90° turn5. Walk to D
SHOWMANSHIPShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 6. Showmanship 14-187. Showmanship 19 & OverJABTrot from A to B. StopTrotBack until even with judgeBackExecute 450° turn, Back walk to judge,WalkWhen excused, execute a 90° turn90° and trot awayTrotWhen even with A, break down to a walk and exit the arena at a walkWalk1. Trot from A to B. Stop2. Back until even with judge3. Execute 450° turn, walk to judge, stop and set up for inspection4. When excused, execute a 90° turn and trot away5. When even with A, break down to a walk and exit the arena at a walk
TRAILShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 38. Ranch Trail 14-1839. Ranch Trail 19 & OverWalk to logWalkOpen mailbox, show mailMBJog to gate,JogExtended jog to logsExtJogJog over logsJogLeft lead lope to barrelLLPick up rope and lope a circle around the cone, return rope to barrelLLWalk to slickerWalkPick up slicker right handed, trot a figure 8 around other pole, and return slickerTrot180° to the left and lope to bridge180°/LLWalk bridge and to coneWalk1. Walk to log and sidepass right2. Open mailbox, show mail3. Jog to gate, work gate right handed4. Extended jog to logs5. Jog over logs6. Left lead lope to barrel7. Pick up rope and lope a circle around the cone, return rope to barrel8. Walk to slicker9. Pick up slicker right handed, trot a figure 8 around other pole, and returnslicker10. 180° to the left and lope to bridgeWalk bridge and to cone
HORSEMANSHIPShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 22. Horsemanship 14-1823. Horsemanship 19 & OverABLope on the right lead to BRLTurn 540° right540°Lope on the left lead around to BLLBreak to walk, walk approximately 10 feetWalkExtended jog to AEJogStop at A and back one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Lope on the right lead to B2. Turn 540° right3. Lope on the left lead around to B4. Break to walk, walk approximately 10 feet5. Extended jog to A6. Stop at A and back one horse lengthFollow the instructions of your ring steward
TRAILShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 36. Trail 19 & OverJog through conesConesJog over logsLogsJog into box, 630° right, walk out of box630°Lope right leadChuteWalk over bridgeBridgeLope left lead in to chute, back LLWork gateGate1. Jog through cones2. Jog over logs3. Jog into box, 630° right, walk out of box4. Lope right lead over poles5. Walk over bridge6. Lope left lead in to chute, back L7. Work gate
HORSEMANSHIPShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 21. Horsemanship 13 & UnderABJog to BJogTurn 180° right180°Jog around to BJogBreak to walk, walk approximately 10 feetWalkJog to AJogStop at A and back one horse lengthS&BBe ready at A1. Jog to B2. Turn 180° right3. Jog around to B4. Break to walk, walk approximately 10 feet5. Jog to A6. Stop at A and back one horse lengthFollow the instructions of your ring steward
TRAILShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 37. Ranch Trail 13 & UnderWalk to logWalkOpen mailbox, show mailMBJog to gate,JogExtended jog to logsExtJogJog over logsJogExtended jog to boxExtJogWalk into box, stop,Walk perform 360° turn to left360°LJog to bridgeJogWalk bridge and to coneWalk1. Walk to log and sidepass right2. Open mailbox, show mail3. Jog to gate, work gate right handed4. Extended jog to logs5. Jog over logs6. Extended jog to box7. Walk into box, stop, perform 360° turn to left8. Jog to bridge9. Walk bridge and to cone10. Dismount, ground-tie, and pick up front hoof
TRAILShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 34. Trail 13 & Under35. Trail 14-18Jog through conesConesWalk over logsLogsJog into box, 270° right, walk out of box270°Jog over polesPolesWalk over bridgeBridgeJog in to chute, back LLWork gateGate1. Jog through cones2. Walk over logs3. Jog into box, 270° right, walk out of box4. Jog over poles5. Walk over bridge6. Jog in to chute, back L7. Work gate
EQUITATIONShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 11. English Equitation 13 & UnderABCWalk to AWalkSitting trot to BSitPosting trot a circle to the right on the left diagonalLDHalfway to C, change diagonalsLD→RDPosting trot on right diagonal to and around CRDStop and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready before A1. Walk to A2. Sitting trot to B3. Posting trot a circle to the right on the left diagonal4. Halfway to C, change diagonals5. Posting trot on right diagonal to and around C6. Stop and back approximately one horse lengthExit at a sitting trot
EQUITATIONShow: Fun At The Fair Date: 8/7/2022Classes: 12. English Equitation 14-1813. English Equitation 19 & OverABCDWalk to AWalkCanter on the right lead to BRLPosting trot a circle to the right on the left diagonalLDWhen even with B, canter on the left lead to CLLAt C posting trot circle left on right diagonalRDSitting trot from C to DSitStop at D and back approximately one horse lengthS&BBe ready before A1. Walk to A2. Canter on the right lead to B3. Posting trot a circle to the right on the left diagonal4. When even with B, canter on the left lead to C5. At C posting trot circle left on right diagonal6. Sitting trot from C to D7. Stop at D and back approximately one horse lengthExit at a sitting trot
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